1 Chronicles 29:11 (KJV) â Today's Verse for Wednesday, June 4, 2014 from img.heartlight.org
“look not back on yesterday.
Bible verses for new year are aimed at creating awareness in the peers in all aspects.
“every man should be born again on the first day of january.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
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“every man should be born again on the first day of january.
If you want to kick start this coming new year with great positivity and strength then …
But these verses are reminder that god is gracious to those who to turn to him with humility.
“may you shine the light of christ in the new year.”.
Do Hindus and Christians Have Common Ground? | Interfaith Dialogue from media.beliefnet.com
“our hope is not in the new year…but in the one who makes all things new.”.
Bible verses for new year are aimed at creating awareness in the peers in all aspects.
“may you shine the light of christ in the new year.”.
New Year Bible Verse. Bible verses for new year are aimed at creating awareness in the peers in all aspects.